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                                                                            Joseph Bible Study


One of the greatest heroes of the Old Testament, Joseph, will be the central figure in a six-week Bible study at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church beginning June 6 and end July 11.


Pastor Jack will be the facilitator, and will encourage discussions of the teenage Joseph, called "The Dreamer," being sold into slavery by his brothers, tempted by his master Potiphar's wife, sentenced unjustly to life in prison, then rising to second in power in the court of the Egyptian Empire as he interprets Pharoah's dreams. 


This will be a 45-minute discussion in Lineberger Hall immediately after worship. Free study guides will be provided on the remarkable tale found in Genesis 37-45. This will be from select portions of the chapters. We will not be studying all the many verses. Please join us even if you have not yet attended the bible study.  Each week covers a different aspect of Joseph's life. 




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